Answers in pictures to Frequently Asked Questions
Anleitung in Bildern für folgende häufige Fragen
(only in English for the moment)
Instructions en images :
(press on the buttons below to expand text and pictures, press again to collapse)
/ Wie registriere ich mich als Tierbesitzer ? / Comment s'enregistrer
comme propriétaire ?
Here we describe how you register for the first time as breeder in the
LAREU system.
In the menu on the left Press on "Login"
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/ Wie ändere ich mein Passwort ? / Comment changer mon mot de passe ?
The initial password is generated by the LAREU system. You should change it after login
to a password you can remember well.
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/ Passwort vergessen ? / Mot de passe oublié ?
Here we describe how to retrieve your password in case you have forgotten it
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/ Wie trage ich meine Tiere ein ? / Comment enregistrer mes animaux ?
Here we describe how to register your animals in the LAREU data base.
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/ Wie ändere ich meine Tierdaten ? / Comment changer les données de mes animaux ?
Here we describe how to change the data of your animals in the LAREU data base, e.g. add the parents.
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/ Wie bestelle ich die DNA-Typisierung ? / Comment commander l'analyse ADN ?
Here we describe how to order DNA typing and parent verification for your animal
The use of swabs is described in detail
here (see also "DNA-Test")
/ Wie werden DNA Daten aus früheren Analysen importiert ? / Comment importer les données ADN d'une analyse précédente?
Here we describe how to import DNA data from a previous analysis (either by Certagen or
by another DNA laboratory)
DNA data from a previous DNA typing can be imported into the LAREU data base.
The previous analysis was either done by
Certagen or by another DNA laboratory.
It is important that the marker set from the other laboratory contains at least the 14 ISAG markers.
The new menu "DNA" has three submenus:
Click on the second submenu (import existing ...)
.... to get general instructions about the DNA import.
Then click "Continue".
A list of your animals without DNA (see picture below) will appear
Go to the line of your animlal and click on "place order". A new page will appear with the details
of the order:
The box for the import by Certagen is already checked. If the DNA analysis has been done by another
lab than check also the box below.
If the parents of your animal are already in the LAREU data base and the DNA analysis has been made,
the boxes for parent verification are already checked.
Finally check the boxes below and click on "order". The rest works like the standard ordering of DNA typing (confirmation email plus pdfs with order form).
/ Wie bestelle ich den Tierpass ? / Comment commander un passeport pour mon animal ?
Here we describe how to order the animal passport
The new menu "Passport" has three submenus:
"animals without passport" / "animals with passport" / "open orders"
"Tiere ohne Pass" / "Tiere mit Pass" / "offene Bestellungen"
"animaux sans passeport" / "animaux avec passeport" / "commandes en cours"
Click on the first submenu to get a list of your animals without passport (see picture below)
A list of your animals without passport appears.
Click "Order" on the line of the animal for which you want to order a passport
The line with the animal turns yellow (see below).
If you made a mistake (you do not want to have a passport for this animal), cliick "Cancel"
You can click up to 20 animals (no more, please). Also note that there is an "Order" button only for those
animals which have a transponder entered.
If you are ready with your orders, go to the top of the page.
You will see a summary of your orders, the total number of passports ordered and the total price
(note there is a discount when ordering more than 4 passports).
Click on "continue" to process your order.
You wll see a summary of your order (picture below). You can either change it by pressing "change order"
(for example, add more passports or remove some orders),
or cancel the entire order "empty basket"
If you are happy with the order, click the three check boxes making you aware of the information printed in the passport.
You can also choose the desired way of payment (the German bank is the default).
To complete the order, click on "send order".
You will be prompted by the picture below, showing a list of the animals for which you have ordered the passports.
You will receive an email with the invoice (amount to pay and information on the bank account you have chosen).
Please note that the passport is produced only after the payment has been received and will be sent to the addess given in your LAREU account .
/ Wie erzeuge ich einen neuen Adressaufkleber für den Tierpass ? / Comment créer un nouveau autocollant d'adresse pour le passeport animal ?
Here we describe how to generate an address label to be glued into the animal passport after the animal
has found a new owner.
/ Wie verwalte ich meine Tiere ? / Comment gérer mes animaux ?
Here we describe how to organize the data of your animals in the LAREU data base
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/ Wie übertrage ich mein Tier auf einen neuen Besitzer / Comment transferer mon animal a un nouveau propriétaire ?
Here we describe how to transfer your animal to a new owner. Select the menu "Change" -> "my animals"
If you have (by intention or accidentally) transfered your animal to the "NoOwner" area, you can get access again by selecting
the menu "Change" -> "My animals @ NoOwner". Use "change owner" to transfer the animal back to you or to the new owner.
/ Wie biete ich meine Tiere an ? / Comment offrir mes animaux ?
Here we describe how to offer an alpaca or llama for sale or stud service
Here is the new menu "Offer" (see picture below). Clicking on one of the upper two lines ("Look for ...")
will show the list of animals offered by LAREU members.
Clicking on one of the lower lines ("activate my ...") will bring you to a list of your animals
you can offer.
Here is the list of alpacas offered for stud service (see picture below)
Clicking on the button "Details" you will see the detailed information of the alpaca
(see picture below)
Clicking on one of the small pictures (up to five are possible) in the row of pictures,
you see it enlarged. Clicking on the enlarged picture will make it small again
Scolling down through the details you will find further information regarding the selling/stud service
conditions (if any) and price, as well as the contact data of the alpaca owner.
When you want to offer one of your animals, you press the menu button "Activate my ..." (see first picture).
A list of your animals appears and you press the button "offer" on the animal line in question.
Note that only animals with a transponder chip can be offered. A new page appears
where you can fill all the information for your animal (see pictures above). Then you click on "save" on the bottom
of the page. This will bring you back to the list of animals, where the lines of the animals offered are now in yellow
(see picture below). You can add more animals by pressing on the line of the new animal to be offered. Repeat the procedure
as described above. When done, click "continue".
This is the final page before you submit your offers. Here you can still update your list of offers using the buttons
"change ..." (or even cancel the entire list of offers). Check the boxes when ready, the way of payment, and then
submit your offers. The animals will appear in the list of offers once the payment has been received. The offers will be
displayed for a full year, renewal is possible.